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Bot Users


Easy Report knows how to work with both text and voice messengers. Supported at the moment:

  1. Telegram
  2. Slack
  3. Facebook Messenger
  4. MS Teams

Creating a bot user

To create a new bot user you will need to specify the following parameters:

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • User groups
  • Messengers
  • Resource groups

For the user to be able to use the bot, he will be sent an invitation by email containing a link to the bot and authorization instructions.

Security Filters

A user who has access to a resource can request reports on all data by default. Sometimes there is a necessity to limit a cut of data for him either by some value of attribute (example: the head of sales department can see data only on his department), or by time period. Security filters allow you to configure such data filtering.

You can configure filters on the user page under "Security Filters" by selecting the desired resource from available.
