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Easy Report chatbot

General information

Easy Report is a chatbot for quick access to data that understands natural language.


Basic Functions

Switching between resources

A resource is a table with a lot of different input data. The reports will be generated based on the resource you select.

Switch between resources to generate reports based on different input data.

To switch between resources, use, for example, the phrase "Change resource ", or use the /select_resource hint command.



Find out the actual structure of the resource by writing, for example, "Remind the structure ", or by using the /show_metamodel hint command.

Create a new report

A report is a table consisting of columns whose names the bot was able to extract from the message.

You enter the message in any form. The bot understands natural speech and will try to extract as much information as possible from your query.



The syntactic structure of sentences is very important to the bot, so be sure to use prepositions, conjunctions and punctuation.

Change the current report

Adding details and filters



Use words like: "add ", "leave ", "filter ", "drillthrough " - to change the report.

Return to previous state

You can cancel an erroneous report change by using the "Undo change " button or by writing, for example, "Back".


Switching Display Format

Using the "Output format " button you can change the report format into a diagram and vice versa.


Extracting reports from other BI solutions

You can get reports from other BI solutions as files.


Analytical functions

Easy Report also has some built-in analytical functions.

Top N

You can get report of top N attributes sorted by some value or custom value.



You can get report of some value or custom value dynamic for some time period.


FAQ on chatbot bugs

The bot responds "This does not appear to be a valid request for a "Sales by stores" resource. Recall what columns it contains or change the resource."

The bot could not find any of the values from the text of your query for one of two reasons:

1) The value has not yet been added to the chatbot

2) The bot could not recognize the wording (bot is improving all the time, and it will understand any phrasing with time).

You can always find out the current information about the values that have been added to the bot with the command "Show Structure" (/show_metamodel), and reformulate the request.

To the new query, the bot responded "Report changed" and changed the previous report.

The bot's predictive model made a mistake in determining the intent and changed the previous report instead of creating a new one. To create a new report, you can add the word "Report" to your phrase.

Example: The query "Output Products and Categories " was defined as a modification of a previous report, change the wording "Report Products and Categories" and the bot will show a new report.

The bot replies "No data available" to my request.

Note the extracted filters. This wording means that the chatbot has no data on the extracted filters. For example, querying "Sales for 2015" will show that "No data " because the chatbot loads data from 2019. You can re-request the report excluding the erroneous filter.
