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Business Case Development

1. Reports Examples

You gather information about desired reports from end-users and provide approximately 5 examples of queries for each of these reports.

These reports examples will only be used as a first basis to start the implementation of the business case and you should not be overthinking this because the business case and its linguistic layer will evolve naturally over time.

Examples for a sales case:

  • profit by regions
  • sales info by managers
  • target for departments last month
  • my kpi for product X this quarter
  • top 5 products by gross margin

2. Dataset

You provide a dataset or create a new one for this business case.

If you want to use columns from different database tables/views, firstly you will need to create a table/view with all necessary columns.

See our requirements for a table/view here.

3. Columns Used

You provide information about all columns which will be used to generate reports.

You can use either an attribute, a value, or a date type. See more information about types here.

For labels, you can use any number of synonyms and company slang words and phrases that end-users will use.

Example for a sales case:

column_name type labels
region_txt attr Region, Area, ...
manager_name attr Manager, Representative, Rep, ...
profit value Profit, ...
gross_margin value Gross, Gross margin, GM, ...
sale_date date Date, ...

4. Custom Formulas

You provide information about desired computed values which will be used to generate reports.

See more information about custom values here.

For labels, you can use any number of synonyms and company slang words and phrases that end-users will use.

formula labels
100*Sum(gross_margin)/Sum(plan) Target, Progress, ...
Sum(sales_amount)/Sum(plan_sales_amount) Amount KPI, Amount target, ...