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Microsoft Teams Integration

We use Bot Framework SDK. For more information see here.

We will guide you through everything that Easy Report needs during our call with your screen shared.

1. Create a resource

  1. Press the Create a resource button and choose Azure bot or use this link.
  2. Fill basic fields.
  3. Сhoose Multi Tenant type of app. This is necessary because we need webhook functionality.
  4. Fill tags if needed.
  5. Create a resource.

2. Configuration

  1. Press the Go to resource button.
  2. Under Settings select Configuration.
  3. Paste the link to a webhook (e.g with the hostname you provided for us) into the Messaging endpoint field. Then press Apply.
  4. Copy the value of Microsoft App ID. Then press Manage passwords.
  5. Press New client secret. Then copy the client secret value.

    !!! Make sure you copy the client secret value when it first appears. After navigating away from this page, the client secret will be hidden and you'll not be able to retrieve its value.

  6. Go back and under Settings select Channels. Then choose Microsoft Teams and press Apply.

3. Provide us with:

  • Microsoft App ID
  • Client secret value